Avaline Ann Enderle

The newest addition to our family has finally arrived --

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Baby Toes..

Ava and Phinley

Pizza at Juju's

Making Pizzas....
Yummy..yummy... all gone.

Lunch after Thanksgiving Party at School

New take on a table and chair?

"I Wear My Sunglasses at Night..."

someone was up a little late... sleepy girl...

Off to School... Be Right Back Lion Lion

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ava the Explorer...

"I know where they keep the good stuff... icecream... yumm"
"Just riding my stick horse... well, sort of"
"Noah came over to go grocery shopping with me"
"Does this deserve a water water"

Happy Halloween... Meow!

Happy Halloween Everybody!

Las Vegas, Baby!

So much fun it wore out our little princess!